Jan 23-27: Meet us at the SLAS 2016, San Diego
Find us by our posters 2091 and 2028 or e-mail us to set up a meeting.

June 5-9: Meet Patrick and the Group at the CSC 2016
E-mail us to set up a meeting.

Feb 18: Patrick Gunning gives a talk at the Probus Club of Cooksville
WHEN: February 18th, 2016 TIME: 11:00 AM WHERE: Probus Club of Cooksville

Periodic table's seventh row finally filled as four new elements are added
Discovery of four super-heavy chemical elements by scientists in Russia, America and Japan has been verified by experts and formally...

Jan 28: Patrick presents a “Beginner’s Guide to Killing Cancer Cells” at the UofT "IN YOUR NEIG
WHEN: January 28th, 2016 TIME: 6:30-8:30 pm WHERE: Swansea Town Hall Click here to register to attend.